Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"I ain't got time to blog"

The movie that I chose to critically critique the critic's criticism was "I am Legend" with Will Smith. The review that I chose was written by Roger Ebert. I agree with parts of Mr. Ebert's review, although my interpretation of the movie was bathed in a significantly more favorable light, as a result of my love of watching gun fights, zombie fights, cars being driven faster than they probably should be, and most of all, of things blowing up. Mr. Ebert's tone gives me the sense that he feels that it is not true "art". Though I find his analysis of the movie's plot holes and gaps in logic entertaining, I feel that he has missed the point of the film. Quoting the end of the review, "The movie works well while it's running, although it raises questions that later only mutate in our minds." I feel that this sums up Mr. Ebert's misinterpretation of the movie in a tidy sentence. He is looking at it as a film that should be enjoyed for what it is, not a deep commentary on humanity, or a symbolic representation of the angst of society as a whole, but an action packed, deeply thrilling movie, to be enjoyed with your friends late at night, with a little too much sugar and caffeine. He wants to treat the movie like a fine Chardonnay, to be sipped, swished, and savored. He wants to analyze it's flavor, and then write a review about the subtle fruity notes, or the slight hints of oak and cherry wood. I feel that the movie is intended to be more like a two liter bottle of Mountain Dew. Guzzled, forcefully, at room temperature straight from the bottle it came in when it arrived with the pizza. Though the soda is consumed without a thought to flavor, or the origin of it's creation, I would argue that the one consuming the soda enjoys it just as much as Mr. Ebert enjoys his Chardonnay. An oenophile will be disapointed when he drinks Mountain Dew, expecting A fine wine. Likewise, Mr. Ebert assumed that the film was trying to be,and failed at being, an art masterpiece, when in fact it was very intentionally, just... Mountain Dew.


Mr. K said...


Very enjoyable read -- I like your voice a lot, and the Mountain Dew/Chardonnay analogy worked well.

Mr. K said...

One more thing ... link to your review as part of your text early in your post (just highlight "this review" or something and link to the review.

Who do you want to win?